German Academic Exchange Service

New DAAD counselling tool for its global network.

A visual overview of the My GUIDE consultant account. Cover image of the project My GUIDE by DAAD wich shows several interface elements from the project by brightside Studio from Berlin

The integration of a new product in My GUIDE

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) has more than 60 offices around the world. In these offices, counsellors advise prospective international students who want to study in Germany on open study programmes, available scholarships, German student cities, and what to consider and organise when coming to Germany to study. This information generally varies from country to country.

As the DAAD's lead UX/UI design agency for their My GUIDE product, we were also asked to develop an integrated module to support DAAD staff in the process of advising international students. The complex tool should support face-to-face counselling at the DAAD offices, as well as online and via email. It should simplify the exchange of information and make it easier to document recurring information in the form of reusable templates.

A superquote from Esther here, Donec Pede Justo, Fringilla Vel, Aliquet Nec, Vulputate Eget, Arcu. In Enim Justo, Rhoncus ut, Imperdiet a, Venenatis Vitae, Justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras Dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi.
Esther K. - Head of Department for Information on Studying in Germany
A teaser of the My GUIDE consultant account.

The product’s challenges

DAAD counsellors work in very different ways, and this is reflected in their individual methods of gathering information and collecting links. Some use Word, others Excel, and each has their own approach to how they conduct their consultations. The tool therefore needs to support a flexible and hybrid working model to meet the needs of both physical and digital consultations. In some countries with a high number of counselling sessions, email counselling was more popular, while some DAAD offices in other countries had fewer but longer face-to-face counselling sessions.

Another challenge was the heterogeneity of the consultants - different ages, digital skills, cultural backgrounds and internet connections.

A teaser of the My GUIDE consultant account.

From data to prototypes and feature validation

Through iterative user feedback and continuous development, we were able to gain a deep understanding of the specific use cases of DAAD employees and build the first prototypes - a tangible way to test the tool, measure impact and get rapid feedback on workflow optimisation and user experience.

Some of the product features help advisors to speed up tasks, such as automating answers to non-specific questions, creating advice templates and note templates to organise recurring enquiries, and sharing templates with colleagues.

Other features help advisors provide more personalised guidance to prospective students, including the ability to work directly with students' My GUIDE accounts during an advising session, enter customised notes and country-specific information, and create a virtual advising folder containing programmes, watch lists, profile settings, checklists and a transcript check that is synchronised with the student's My GUIDE account.

A superquote from Esther here, Donec Pede Justo, Fringilla Vel, Aliquet Nec, Vulputate Eget, Arcu. In Enim Justo, Rhoncus ut, Imperdiet a, Venenatis Vitae, Justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras Dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi.
Esther K. - Head of Department for Information on Studying in Germany
A teaser of the My GUIDE consultant account.

Next Case

Kämpfe Elektronik

Together with Kämpfe Elektronik, we approached each step with a strategic mindset, from the brand’s core identity to an effective user experience.

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